
The Australian Physiotherapy Association (APA) is calling for abstract submissions for APASC25. Held every two years, the APA conference provides an outlet for researchers and practitioners to network and exchange ideas. We invite all researchers, practitioners and clinicians to submit their abstracts to the Scientific Program Committee.

APASC25 will build upon the success of previous APA conferences and bring together all the APA National Groups, which represent the breadth of physiotherapy in Australia.

The conference will feature prominent Australian and international researchers and clinicians presenting leading edge scientific research, underpinned by clinical practice knowledge.

Abstracts close 1 April 2025.


For Symposium submissions, visit this portal. 

Presentation types

Free paper 15-minute oral presentation (10 minutes with – three to five minutes for questions and change over).
How to session30-minute session offering practical advice and guidance through lecture-style presentations, supported by visual aids, to demonstrate skills or techniques. 
Rapid 5 x 5Five-minute oral presentation complemented by a maximum of five corresponding slides presented in a concurrent session.
Contains three individual papers, linked thematically around a topic of research. 
E-poster Electronic posters will be accepted in PowerPoint (PPT or PPS) format or PDF. Electronic posters are limited to a total of five landscape slides or pages (including title slide) to be read on a computer monitor.

Conference streams and sub themes

The conference program includes national groups streams and a physiotherapy general stream. Abstracts are invited on topics relevant to any APA National Group or the conference theme, ‘Lead the physiotherapy evolution,’ without requiring specific group allocation.

The below sub-themes, identified by the Scientific Program Committee, will help group and schedule successful submissions, which you can select during submission.

Behaviour change

Complex and chronic conditions

Diversity, equity and inclusion

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health

Physical activity

Rural and regional health

Technology and clinical innovation

Submission instructions

Step 1

Download and read the Abstract Submission Guidelines.

Step 2

Prepare your submission accordingly. View past abstract examples (PDF).

Step 3

Access the online portal and create an account. Group-specific mentors are available via the portal to help assist with your abstract submission.

Step 4

Select the abstract submissions tab and follow instructions.

Step 5

Submit your abstract and look out for your confirmation email. Please check your junk mail if not received.

Step 6

Authors will be notified in late May 2025 of submission outcomes.

Key dates

15 December
Abstract submissions open
1 March
Early bird registrations open
1 April
Abstract submissions close
Early July
Program available
14 July
Presenter registrations close
11 August
Early bird registrations close
23 - 25 October
APASC25 - Adelaide Convention Centre

Conference location

Adelaide Convention Centre
North Terrace, Adelaide
South Australia 5000
P: +61 8 8212 4099
W: adelaidecc.com.au

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