APA Titled Cardiorespiratory Physiotherapist
Dr Nia Luxton has a BSc Hons (Physiotherapy, University of Ulster 1993), a MAppSc (COPD and exercise testing; University of Sydney, 2009), a PhD in Psychology (Macquarie University, Sydney, 2019) and a MHPol (University of Sydney, 2024). She is a senior lecturer at Australian Catholic University, a senior clinical physiotherapist, and a passionate advocate for smoking and vaping prevention and cessation in education and health. Dr Luxton is a member of APA Physiotherapy Research Foundation Grant Review Committee. She is also an inaugural member of the Tobacco & Related Substances special interest group, and the Education and Training Subcommittee of the Thoracic Society of Australia and New Zealand (TSANZ). Dr Luxton is an Honours supervisor of Allied Health students in topics such as health promotion in physiotherapy university curricula, cystic fibrosis, stroke survivors management and allied health services for people with long COVID.Adelaide Convention Centre
North Terrace, Adelaide
South Australia 5000
P: +61 8 8212 4099
W: adelaidecc.com.au
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